Lorraine Morland


These pieces are by Lorraine Morland, who shares her story by painting hearts.

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These pieces are by Lorraine Morland, who shares her story by painting hearts.

She notes, “If you take care of your heart your heart will take care of you. You help a person one heart at a time, we need to have that more in our World. Hearts are very powerful, people stand right next to the people they love one heart beat at a time….. one heart at a time, one day at a time and we seek the beauty of life through love.”

Find more about Lorraine’s journey through surviving homelessness on skid row & turning her pain into art.

Our brands will also feature Lorraine’s ART on our food and gift packaging.
Thank you for supporting her dream & cause to help end homelessness!“


Stickers, Set of all Stickers, Prints 5 x 7

Image Number

Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5, Image 6, Image 7, Image 8

ms-bee-womxn-lorraineLorraine Morland
$7.00$41.00Select options
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